Friday, 4 December 2015

FIX the knocking

To knock or not to knock
to suffer the sound of something !! 
what I thought was going to be a never ending story!!
as some will know I have had a noise problem in the Velo a knocking noise. and reported in on face book about it.

well like all good story's there must be an end and I think I have found  the end. 
I have been a Bit quiet about the knocking noise, as every time I declared I had got rid of it it came back! I have learnt a lot over the last few weeks, and realised it looks simple and is in a way, but slowly I began to realise it’s a balance of all things, and whenever I adjusted one thing all the rest needed brining in  to line and balance
I will not go through how I ended up running around and around and not getting to the point of it or even finding out what it was making the noise! I had made to many adjustments one after the other without realising the knock on affects. So it got more confusing. The final realisation cam last night after I took the Mid drive out for the second time, there was a little movement  in the gear pack cassette I wanted to re check, and fortunately one of my past bikes had the same cassette so I had the right tool to give it a tweak titan, which I did ,.
Then I had a light bulb moment!  I had been thinking along the same lines on working on a bike or trikes, in mind  so had a cup of Tea and contemplated  on what I had adjusted and moved and checked, then I put it all back and started with the front rings, then the tension adjuster  and tubes, I had played  around with the seat as well as I had found that the adjustments made had resulted in the top chain touching the underneath of the seat! I took the spacers I had put behind the guide wheel out,  took the seat up at the front and checked my leg  length that in its self-maid a lot of difference to the noise  it would turn out.
I had taken two links out of the chain which took the chain slap out, and took the top tube out as to it coming loos and it was not needed as without the chain  slap it does not touch my leg. OK I set the did drive in connecting the chains on the cogs and making shore it was set in correctly seated, then adjusted the derailleur arm, the derailleur hold the  derailleur its self in its own setting .
Then I set about checking everything again in s in tern I set the derailleur loos and I knew the cable adjustment would be somewhere around correct I adjusted the derailleur arm to take the derailleur cog away from the gear cassette to a gap I thought about right, (this is where others can help me, I am not shore of this gap I set it by trial and error) then I adjusted the derailleur its self on the arm to a straight setting so the word on the  derailleur where straight  the  derailleur cog ran across the gear cassette straight checking the clearings of the     derailleur cog with each cassette gear, with that set, I went over the set up again starting with the front rings derailleur setting the guide wheel and a tension chain arm.
I held the back of the Velo up on a axial stand and went through the gearing   adjusting the cable adjustment on the derailleur until it was changing correctly on to each gear, I noted that the gearing was harsh so again adjusted the gap of the   derailleur arm and then the derailleur again until it sounded correctly smooth and not so harsh in its jumping from gear to gear ring up and down.
On the largest gear and the lowest gear I checked the arm on the end of the derailleur was just clear of the chain on high and low gearing. So with all this set, I did one more check around all the parts, the last thing I checked was the seat to discover the top chain on the high gear the chain was touching the bottom of the seat So I adjusted the height of the seat at the front and then pushed it the front of the seat forward a little so the chin was clear and the seat was still sitting on the frame with the rubber supports I had put in so the seat top to bottom was supported.
OK again I went through the lot again and checked everything and I rolled it out of the garage for a test ride, well Pleased it felt right and sounded right, no knocking but I had been there before, the cable to the derailleur wanted a tweak and the gearing settled down so I took it back and re installed all the side covers and items I carry, and then took a long ride I did 10 miles and gave it some welly as hard as I could to see if I could provoke the knocking noise but at last it seems to have gone.
I came back to the garage and checked it all again and nothing had moved, all was well so I decided to call it a night. One the ride into work it ran well still no knocking noise just the sound of the chain on the front and the tension  arm Nice one and the seat adjustment was fine to on the leg length.
During this time I put to work some of the suggestions from Harry into thought or practice which was a help to get me to understand the grate pitcher of it not just one part at a time. I had washed out the back free wheel with a cleaner and then re oil it with light oil as heed suggested as this may have had a add to the noise,. But in the end I believe it was a collection of things creating the noise not just one part  but a few thing acting on one part. I love the challenge and I will not give up, when I got it ran perfect but as it wore in looing its tightness I did not follow that up but let it then adjusted the wrong things without understanding the knock on affects.
I am still not shore if there is a correct gap between the   derailleur   cg and the gear cassette or is it just trial and area ? May be someone can let me know as with the trikes I keep them all the same as I got them new  I have a little stick at the right length to set them if I ever move them.
Well roll on this week ends ride.  And thanks for all the suggestions I have had all along with this, except for one suggestion as it would be just to painful!                      

Monday, 30 November 2015

NOVEMBER Sunday 20th

Three Velomobile,s appear in London, there multiplying
Waw, Quest and Mango,

Good ride



this is me in John Williams Quest, Its fantastic and has the nicest back on  it, it feel exactly the same as the Mango when sitting in it, I am thinking really hard about getting one to race in, a second hand one and then set it up for racing.


Saturday, 24 October 2015

Fantastik, You can see the Joy of a Kids Dream come true :-) 

Friday, 21 August 2015

More Cycle revolution crap parking on cycle lands

First Visit to the Hillingdon cycle race Track
Interesting only went around twice, However a little paranoid at really letting it go and I still do not know its limits around corners, got a good speed up on the back straight and corner but was some what afraid of rolling it, it felt stable around the s bends and corners but just did not let it go as fast as it could have gone.


Saturday, 4 July 2015

J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking!Hayes End cycling l...

J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking!Hayes End cycling l...
: J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking! Hayes End cycling lane Hot stop for blocking cycle lands is the carpet shop  and further down the Roa...

J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking!Hayes End cycling l...

J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking!Hayes End cycling l...
: J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking! Hayes End cycling lane Hot stop for blocking cycle lands is the carpet shop  and further down the Roa...

J18NDE, I am OK “F”U “Parking!
Hayes End cycling lane Hot stop for blocking cycle lands is the carpet shop  and further down the Road is a Pizza Hut takeaway which has used the Cycle track ad a drive thru for years and the council does nothing Yet it’s been complained about many timer, to Night I asked a driver if she would Move her cat and she said If I ask her nicely!!!
The lady’s car in the Photo had No intention of moving when I asked she had the attitude I am OK F,U.!!!! all part of the Cycle revolution Bull shit    

Friday, 22 May 2015

News FLASH from Holland

Hi Graham,
Your Mango is on it's way to you.
Greetings, Harry and Sinner team.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Roelf the man put the stickers on. despite having a bad back, well done that Man
 Harry the Mango wizard has sent me the result of the master Roelf artistry
Fantastic, I am sitting here with a big silly grin on my face.

I still full do not fully grasp that I am going to sit in it soon !!!
I am getting a bit (Anxious) I have to admit, It's going to be an amazing, but a bit scary LOL Mixed emotions, I my what have I done ? :-)

I have money on the bet that I get pulled over by the police in the firest week LOL .

Well Lets hope the shiping company handle it with care

Well Here it is .....................


Wednesday, 29 April 2015


 News Update on the mango
the final payment has been received
thats a relief
as I do not trust Banks
I was the same when I brought the Greenspeed GTT
and imported it 
Greenspeed were great and as Harry has 
they sent me Photos as it was being made
However i had to fill I paperwork and pay import duty 
and Tax !
as it was from Australia
so it was a bit worrying as i did it all myself.
at least this time with the Mango 
its EU Holland, NL  
so no import duty and Tax is paid the the country of origin.
no paper work.

Thanks Harry and all at the magic factory 


Friday, 17 April 2015

Latest Photos hot off the internet, Harry Test Riding, great news may be ready by the end of April for shiping.


gear train, fitting the lower gear for hills.

Thursday, 9 April 2015


Just a small update, talking to the guys, the stripes is no longer available

That’s a pity 

But here is the design used now.

Or similar to this  

I like it, it looks clean


It’s always the way, I took a long time considering the colour

White Body and red top

But Now I keep seeing different colour schemes

I think Mmmm that's nice.

 But I went for the white Body for safety and the red top as to, well I like Red

I nearly went for the light grey as that looks smart to

But you have to make your mind up,

I can see myself polishing it equipped with a nice cup of tea when I am not riding it

It’s going to be a very interesting learning curve, as I have never ridden anything like it before

I have had a few tips and comments witch are very handy

I know it’s going to be a lot of fun and that's why I have saved up hard to get one  

    You can't be a wilting flower when riding a trike or the Tandem and I am more than ready for the questions and remarks and the zombies with no imaginations abuse!


All Just in time for the summer to


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

More Body shots as the mango comes together

Mid 10 speed gearing and triple front crank